21.6.2008 | 00:00
*Top 10 Reasons to Date a Physical Therapist:
1. We can get you in and out of bed
2. We can work your body in ways you never imagined
3. We understand the importance of a good ol' sweaty workout
4. You can "play doctor" with an actual doctor
5. We have no problems resorting to gadgets to get the job done
6. PT's actually take classes on hip and pelvic movements
7. It's in our job title to be physical
8.We own a variety of lotions, creams and gels, and aren't afraid to use them
9. We use "repeated contractions with timing for emphasis"
10. We do it on hospital beds and gym floors all day long.
1. We can get you in and out of bed
2. We can work your body in ways you never imagined
3. We understand the importance of a good ol' sweaty workout
4. You can "play doctor" with an actual doctor
5. We have no problems resorting to gadgets to get the job done
6. PT's actually take classes on hip and pelvic movements
7. It's in our job title to be physical
8.We own a variety of lotions, creams and gels, and aren't afraid to use them
9. We use "repeated contractions with timing for emphasis"
10. We do it on hospital beds and gym floors all day long.
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Snilld! Hljómar girnilega ;-)
Björg (IP-tala skráð) 3.7.2008 kl. 19:51
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